Saturday, 31 January 2015

Stories from the world

The students of 4th ESO read a book called "A time of Waiting: Stories from around the world". The book is composed by 13 stories that come from Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa and Trinidad.

They have done a work of research about culture, traditions and mythology of these countries.

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Malaysian mythology


Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Do you want to feel like a politician?

As you may have heard of, a 3r ESO group is working in a project to experiment in their own skins how does it feel to be a politician. The object of this project is to create an electoral program for fictitious local elections. Everything takes place in an invented village called Les Salines. This village is located by the sea and it has 7000 inhabitants. Pupils are working very hard to be ready to start the electoral campaign, but by now we can offer you a taste of this project. Each group has been told to explain one point of their electoral program in English, and this is what they have done.

Friday, 23 January 2015

"Tout ce qui n'est pas donné est perdu" Hasari Pal

"Tout ce qui n'est pas donné est perdu"
Hasari Pal

Els alumnes de Cultures i religions de 2n d'ESO hem vist la pel.lícula La ciutat de l'Alegria, que tracta el tema dels valors humans i la solidaritat en un suburbi de Calcuta. Al final de la peli surt una frase que ens va agradar molt i que els nostres companys de l'institut i alguns coneguts ens han ajudat a traduir en diversos idiomes. Aquí teniu el tauler que hem confeccionat amb les frases que ens han sortit. Veureu que també hi ha vídeos dels companys dient la frase en el seu idioma.

Arrastreu el cursos per moure-us pel tauler o cliqueu per veure-ho gran

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

19th Century Art

Here you can see two presentations about 19th Century Art: The Cast-Iron Architecture and The Romanticism.