Monday, 16 November 2015

Initial activity 4th ESO: brainstorming

Before starting the unit "Industrialization in the European societies" we made a brainstorming in the classroom to identify the preconceptions we had about it.
Then the students have created a wordle. Wordle is a tool for generating word clouds. Here you have some examples.

A political party for a better place to live

In groups, students imagine that they are going to form a political party to govern their town or city. They discuss these points and write down their decisions: name of the party, its ideology and political programme. Then explain to the rest of the class all about their political party and how they are going to make their town or city a better place to live. Here you can see some examples.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Women's right to vote

Students imagine they are a 19th-century woman and write a letter explaining why women should have the right to vote. Here you can see three students reading their letters.