Monday, 14 December 2015

Water Cycle

In the following video two students from 1st ESO B explain what is the water cycle and how it works.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Initial activity 4th ESO: brainstorming

Before starting the unit "Industrialization in the European societies" we made a brainstorming in the classroom to identify the preconceptions we had about it.
Then the students have created a wordle. Wordle is a tool for generating word clouds. Here you have some examples.

A political party for a better place to live

In groups, students imagine that they are going to form a political party to govern their town or city. They discuss these points and write down their decisions: name of the party, its ideology and political programme. Then explain to the rest of the class all about their political party and how they are going to make their town or city a better place to live. Here you can see some examples.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Women's right to vote

Students imagine they are a 19th-century woman and write a letter explaining why women should have the right to vote. Here you can see three students reading their letters.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

2min Short Film

Steps to follow:

1. Brainstorming: Think about the purpose of your story.

2. Planning: Now you have a rough idea of the theme of your story, take some time to explore how you want to say it.

3. The story: Now you can begin to piece together your story. You will need to form a script.

4. And ACTION!: Now comes the fun part: filming.

5. Post-production: Now comes the most time-consuming part: Editing or post-production. You can use Movie Maker with Windows.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Let's Create a NGO!

Students of 3rd ESO have created a NGO in Citizenship. They have explained the origins, the aims of the organization, the countries where they work and finally how we can collaborate and help them!

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Jesús does it!

Títol del vídeo que ha preparat l'alumnat de sisè per participar a l'English Festival i que ha obtingut el primer premi.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Shrove Tuesday

In this presentation, Elena, our language assistant talks about a typical day in England: Shrove Tuesday and its traditional pancakes.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Pancake Day

Pancake Day is celebrated in some countries, such as, England, on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.
People celebrate this holiday by eating pancakes. It is very popular too, on this day, to promise to give something up during Lent, something you like a lot or that you have to try hard to give it up.

Today, in the English session, Elena has shown us, through a motivating activity, how to make pancakes.

You can see here some pictures that show you not only the ingredients but also the steps you have to follow to make them yourself.

At the end of the session, thanks to Cinta, the student that is training as a teacher here in our school, we have been able to taste the delicious pancakes and to celebrate the success of such a nice activity.
You can watch the video below to see how much we have enjoyed it.


Pancake day by Slidely Slideshow

A song

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Newton’s three laws of motion

Sir Isaac Newton was a physicist and mathematician from the 17th century. He is famous, among other things, for his laws of motion. These laws explain why objects move (or don’t move) as they do.

First law:
Newton's first law, also known as the law of inertia, states that every object in motion or at rest remains in that state unless an unbalanced force is applied to it.
The following video from ESA (European Space Agency) explains very clearly this law:

Second law:
Newton's second law states that the force acting on an object is equal to the mass of that object times its acceleration. As the force acting upon an object is increased, the acceleration of the object is increased.


Watch this second video, also from ESA, to better understand the second law:

Watch this second video, also from ESA, to better understand the second law:

Third law:
This law is also known as the "action-reaction law". It says that all forces in the universe occur in equal but oppositely directed pairs. There are no isolated forces: when one body exerts a force on a second body (action), the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body (reaction).

Our students from the 4th year of ESO have produced this great video that illustrates the third law with an everyday event.

Enjoy it!

Wednesday, 18 February 2015


The students of 2nd of ESO created the following advertisments in the English class!!! They publicise some products such as a brand of milk or lipstick. Watch this video and enjoy yourself!!!

Visualizing DNA

In this experience we have been able to see DNA with a naked eye, i.e, without any kind of instrument. Even though, the quantity of DNA it has not been very high, at the end of the experiment we have got a whitish mass, the DNA from the cells of our buccal mucose, obtained simply rising mouth out.

As you can see in the video, we use different everyday products so as to break the membranes and let the exit of DNA from the nucleous of cells.

It is very easy! you can do it even at home!

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Letters to the Walker Family

Anthony Walker was killed for being black when he was eighteen. He suffered a racism attack. Students of 3rd ESO have written a letter of support to the family.

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Stories from the world

The students of 4th ESO read a book called "A time of Waiting: Stories from around the world". The book is composed by 13 stories that come from Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa and Trinidad.

They have done a work of research about culture, traditions and mythology of these countries.


Malaysian mythology


Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Do you want to feel like a politician?

As you may have heard of, a 3r ESO group is working in a project to experiment in their own skins how does it feel to be a politician. The object of this project is to create an electoral program for fictitious local elections. Everything takes place in an invented village called Les Salines. This village is located by the sea and it has 7000 inhabitants. Pupils are working very hard to be ready to start the electoral campaign, but by now we can offer you a taste of this project. Each group has been told to explain one point of their electoral program in English, and this is what they have done.

Friday, 23 January 2015

"Tout ce qui n'est pas donné est perdu" Hasari Pal

"Tout ce qui n'est pas donné est perdu"
Hasari Pal

Els alumnes de Cultures i religions de 2n d'ESO hem vist la pel.lícula La ciutat de l'Alegria, que tracta el tema dels valors humans i la solidaritat en un suburbi de Calcuta. Al final de la peli surt una frase que ens va agradar molt i que els nostres companys de l'institut i alguns coneguts ens han ajudat a traduir en diversos idiomes. Aquí teniu el tauler que hem confeccionat amb les frases que ens han sortit. Veureu que també hi ha vídeos dels companys dient la frase en el seu idioma.

Arrastreu el cursos per moure-us pel tauler o cliqueu per veure-ho gran

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

19th Century Art

Here you can see two presentations about 19th Century Art: The Cast-Iron Architecture and The Romanticism.