Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Christmas Idioms and Phrases Infographic

Imaginary High School

Alumnat 4t ESO

Students had to create an imaginary High School and they had to invent a name, a logo, the name of the teachers and above all some rules. After writing all these things on a leaflet, they had to present it in front of the class.

Atmospheric pressure: experiments

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Job offers

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Next destination: Manchester or London?
Our conversation assistant, Elena, gives a presentation about her city, Manchester. After this, the students have a debate about whether it would be better to go to Manchester or to London in their trip at the end of this course. They discuss the pros and cons of each place with the information they have.

Talking about me

"L' objectiu més important per al professorat d'una llengua és aconseguir que l'alumnat tingue una competència comunicativa correcta a la seva edat.

A l'àrea de llengua anglesa hem estat estudiant gramàtica: els verbs tenir, poder i ser o estar que no necessiten auxiliars i són els que s'ensenyen a cicle mitjà.

També han après molt de vocabulari proper a la seva realitat (el temps, els esports, els menjars, altres verbs,els mesos de l'any, les estacions, ...) mitjançant cançons, jocs i altres activitats que fan possible que puguin construir discursos, que com aquest, demostren que poden fer una presentació d'ells o elles mateixes a nivell oral ja que l'objectiu més important de llengua estrangera és tenir una competència oral adequada per poder-se comunicar amb els demés. Crec que alguns alumnes de quart ja ho han aconseguit i el que ens queda de curs ho podem perfeccionar."

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Advertising posters

4t ESO
Design an advertising poster for one of the following campaigns:
● Promoting recycling
● Promoting reading
● Prevent violence against women

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Thursday, 27 November 2014

Let's write a story

Safety rules

Part I
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Part II
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Part III
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Part IV
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Part V

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Speaking of imperialism

4t ESO

Students read two texts in Catalan about colonialism. One of them shows the point of view of Europeans, how they see the Indians, and the other one shows the opinion of indigenous. It is interesting to see the same event from two points of view. Students extract the main ideas of each text in English, and discuss them in class.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Thunders, cannons and a kite

Listening and reading a story. Thank you Elena.,%20canons%20i%20un%20estel.pdf



Wednesday, 12 November 2014

The earthquake in L'Aquila

Our language assistant, Elena, read us a story about the earthquake in L'Aquila, Italy, in 2009. Then, the students have made questions to each other related to this event, like what magnitude it had on the Richter scale, how many victims there were or how many people were left homeless. Here you can see some example of this practice.

Halloween a primer

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Initial activity 4th ESO: brainstorming

Before starting the unit "Industrialization in the European societies" we made a braimstorming in the classroom to identify the preconceptions we had about it.

Then the students have created a wordle. Worle is a tool for generating word clouds. Here you have some examples.

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Sunday, 5 October 2014

The 13 colonies and the 3 branches of the US government

As an introduction the pupils of 4t course talk about the foundation of the USA and its Constitution. Then, they interpret some dialogues about the composition of the power of the USA.

How is the Earth represented?

The pupils of 1r course explain the ways of representing the Earth and show how people orientate theirselves.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Roman Time

The 4th primary courses have been studying the roman times, as a part of the programming of science's subject.
The final work consisted in searching the necessary information to do an oral exhibition to the rest of the class.
Pupils have been working in groups about different roman buildings and public places such as basilicas, public baths, theatre, the forum, temples...
Here you are a very best sample of this pupil's exhibitions. We hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, 14 June 2014


Bloom's Taxonomy was created in 1956 under the leadership of educational psychologist Dr Benjamin Bloom in order to promote higher forms of thinking in education, such as analyzing and evaluating, rather than just remembering facts (rote learning).

- See more at:

Bloom’s taxonomy is a classification of learning outcomes that includes both lower-level outcomes (remembering, understanding) and a progression towards higher-level outcomes (evaluating, creating).
From: CIT Center for instructional technology


Saturday, 7 June 2014


Here they are! Our high school actors and actresses are working very hard to achieve good results of "The magic of Oz". The play will be performed for all school students on June twenty. Good luck to them all!

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Acting Improvisation


  • Increase creativity and imagination.
  • Improve communication and listening skills
  • Develop confidence and teamwork.

Torricelli's barometric experiment

Watch these videos:


 Torricelli performed his celebrated experiment on argento vivo [quicksilver, i.e., mercury], in Florence in spring 1644. Torricelli filled a glass tube, open at one end, with mercury. Then, closing off the open end with a finger, he tipped the tube upside down and lowered it into a basin containing more mercury. He observed that the column of mercury descended only partially, stopping at a height of around 76 cm. Torricelli was convinced that the space created by the descent of the mercury in the tube was empty, and that the force holding up the column consisted of the pressure exerted by the air on the mercury in the basin. In a letter to Michelangelo Ricci of June 11, 1644, Torricelli declared that his experiment proved two fundamental concepts: first, that Nature did not abhor the void; second, that the air had weight. The results of the mercury experiment opened a period of revolutionary change, forcing a re-examination of doctrines accepted for centuries.
  •  Observe the picture and learn
  • Explain the experiment


Saturday, 22 March 2014

Periods – What are they? (Menstrual cycle)

This activity is the last part of a project, called “Women, hormones and applications”.

We introduced the topic with a text about the menstrual cycle and some hormones. This task is extended with a video where more hormones are mentioned. We talked about them and answered some questions.

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Finally, the students have to elaborate their project, a triptych about one contraceptive method (either hormonal or non-hormonal) in order to show it to the rest of the class, as you can see in this link.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Ancient Egypt society


Take the test


Cell organelles

  • Listen the cells songs

Living cells are divided into two types - procaryotic and eucaryotic

Eucaryotic Cell



    Now, in groups of three, make your own model and show it to your classmates.

    Sunday, 16 March 2014

    English Festival - Tortosa

    Hem participat en el segon English Festival que s'ha celebrat a Tortosa del 14 al 17 de març.

    Alumnat de sisè - Vídeo promocional de la seua ciutat

    Alumnat 3r ESO - Debat

    Thursday, 13 March 2014

    Spaguetti tower: a race against the clock

    Learning Goals:

    • Engineering for structural strength
    • Creative problem solving
    • Determining variables and controlling them
    • Team work
    • Time management

     Learning outcomes

    • Some shapes and materials are stronger than others.
    • Weak materials can be made stronger with good design techniques.
    • Distribution of mass is an important consideration when building structures.

    Saturday, 25 January 2014

    How to make a compass

    Alumnat de sisè aprèn a fer una bruixóla amb estris casolans, activitat realitzada dintre de l'àrea de medi en anglès.

    Saturday, 4 January 2014

    Alumnes de 3r guanyadores del concurs de "Microrelats de Terror"

    Eva Baiges i Laura Pallarés, companyes de tercer d'ESO, guanyen amb els seus relats en anglés i castellà. Eva va participar amb la seva història "Unearthed" i Laura amb "Pesadillas"

    Aquí teniu els contes, més informació i les imatges del lliurament de premis al Blog del "Taller de premsa"
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